



Enjoy! English Day 2017

トキワ松学園中学校英語科の2学期最大の行事、English Dayが11月15日に開かれました。中1は日本紹介、中2は英語を母国語としない外国人ゲストを招き、英語でインタビューして学んだ内容の発表、中3はアジアの国々について、文化や歴史・社会問題などを発表する、というものです。

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中学1年生は、“Welcome to Japan”というテーマのもと、日本を10の地域に分け、グループごとに英語でその地域の歴史・文化・名所・名物を紹介しました。観客に伝わる発表にするには、内容だけでなく、声の大きさ・目線・ジェスチャーも大切な要素です。練習しながらお互い意見を出し合って工夫し、当日はどの生徒も自信をもって堂々と発表することができました。

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高校に入ると、Global Studiesという科目があり、世界の問題と日本の関係について、さらに深く学習します。ここで学んだことが生徒たちの視野を広げ、高校での学習につながり、一層興味深く学んでゆく土台となっています。



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01 02


A Trip to Tanzania at International Hour



Did you know that Tanzania was actually two separate states called Tanganyika and the islands of Zanzibar, but combined in 1964 to become “Tanzania” ?

To be honest, I had forgotten that and learned it again yesterday.  Yesterday “International Hour” was held for our Senior 1 girls.  We had guests from Tanzania, Myanmar, Spain and Lithuania!!  Our guest speakers taught us some phrases in their native languages, and the girls enjoyed trying to introduce themselves to their friends and the guest in that language!  “Hola! Me llamo Teresa. Mucho gusto!”  It was much easier trying to introduce myself in Spanish than in Swahili!

The girls learned many new things from the guests about their country and culture and will share it with other students who learned about a different country in a group discussion class next week. I’m sure it was a unique experience for all of the students.  Which country will they learn about next?!

Back from their summer homestays

Welcome back from summer vacation everyone! One week back and classes have begun here at Tokiwa!! Preparations are continuing for Tokiwa’s school festival that will be held Saturday, September 28th and Sunday, September 29th.  One can find research projects and posters in progress throughout the school just waiting to be displayed!!


   This summer we had 3 girls who participated in the Washington D.C., International Relations Study Abroad Program and 25 girls who went to the UK on our home stay program! Last Saturday, September 7th, the girls put on presentations for their parents and teachers to show their efforts of their English studies there. They also told of their exciting experiences and what impressed them the most while in the UK.  Whether it was their travels in London, Oxford or Bath, studying with students from around the world or one of their many first experiences in a whole new environment for them, I’m sure that they had many invaluable experiences there.  I hope this will encourage them to keep using English every day.   Here are some pictures of the girls giving speeches!  

India, Thai & Malaysia-Truly Asia!


Namaste..(Hindi)…Sawasdee ka! (Thai)…Apa khabar wanita! (Malay)

All of these phrases are “Hello!” At our International Exchange Club we recently had guests from India and these past fewweeks we had university students from Thailand and Malaysia come and talk to our girls! It was almost like we got to take a trip around Asia!!

We explored the cultures, heard of some famous sites to visit, saw some beautiful traditional dress of those countries and were introduced to some popular, delicious foods to try some day! The girls learned how to write their names in Hindi, Thai and the Malay languages! It made me appreciate how easy writing the English alphabet is!! At the end of the sessions, we were all left hungry!! I even tried to go home and cook some Thaicurry-later only to find out “Wow! Is it spicy?!”

Learning about such interesting diverse cultures was really another wonderful experience for the girls. After exams, we will have students who are studying at a nearby Japanese language school visit and our students will help those students practice their Japanese while talking about their countries and introducing Japan, too!

Getting ready for exams and summer programs!

Hello everyone! We are three months into the new school year and students have settled in their new classes and have made new friends!  The recent humidity reminds me that summer is upon us! I am envious of the girls who are enjoying the beautiful indoor pool we have here at Tokiwa. I am wondering if I can get in, too!?
Students are busy studying with final exams coming up in just one week! Teachers, like me, are busy making the final exams and preparing for the many special classes and events happening this summer at Tokiwa.Some of the 7th grade students will be learning drama in English. 9th grade students will be taking a trip to Kyoto and Shiga prefecture. 25 girls will be headed for the UK and another 3 girls will join in our International Relations study abroad program in Washington D.C this summer. We have club camps as well as study camps, all grades will have intensive study sessions and the 12th grade girls have special lessons to study for university entrance exams.
We have many open campuses planned throughout the year! We will also be holding an English trial class for elementary school girls on August 25th. I hope many girls will stop by for some fun in English! I look forward to meeting a lot of new people this year!! Please feel free to stop by and see our school anytime!!  (Call for more information!)

Have a nice day!  My best regards, Teresa

Last year’s MLS program

People Helping People

 Hello everyone! This week in our tenth grade Global Studies classes, the girls are giving their final presentations of the year! Our topic for this term was “People Helping Others around the World.” Each group had a different NGO / NPO to research. Some of the NGOs/ NPOs that we covered this year were Table for Two, People Tree, International Water Project, Free the Children, Habitat for Humanity, Grameen Bank and Kiva. Whether it is doing something big or small, each and every one of us can make a difference! We took that first step today by understanding and spreading the word on the great work these organizations do to make a difference in the quality of life of others. This is not something unfamiliar to Tokiwamatsu! It just so happens that our students in the student council raise money at our school festival to contribute to the support of a young girl in Guinea-Bissau!! Helping others that don’t have the power or capabilities to help themselves can be educational as well as a rewarding experience! As I write this, I don’t know why, but the song “We are the World” keeps coming to mind. (haha) Till next time, I wish you and everyone around the world-Peace!

  02 01

Back to school!!

Welcome back to school!! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!!

The holidays always give us a chance to appreciate the time we can spend with our families and re-establish our priorities.  The New Year offers new hopes and new beginnings for us with the hope that our efforts will pay off in our future. This is such a busy time for students. Some students are working hard to make the last term a good end to the year, while others work hard to get ready for entrance examinations.


I am thankful for all of the opportunities I had last year to meet many new people! I wish you all success in your endeavors! If you have the chance to visit our school, please stop by and say hello. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about Tokiwamatsu! Good luck to the students who will be taking our exam in February!

I really look forward to meeting you and having the opportunity to teach you!!

Best wishes in the New Year, from Teresa
