People Helping People

 Hello everyone! This week in our tenth grade Global Studies classes, the girls are giving their final presentations of the year! Our topic for this term was “People Helping Others around the World.” Each group had a different NGO / NPO to research. Some of the NGOs/ NPOs that we covered this year were Table for Two, People Tree, International Water Project, Free the Children, Habitat for Humanity, Grameen Bank and Kiva. Whether it is doing something big or small, each and every one of us can make a difference! We took that first step today by understanding and spreading the word on the great work these organizations do to make a difference in the quality of life of others. This is not something unfamiliar to Tokiwamatsu! It just so happens that our students in the student council raise money at our school festival to contribute to the support of a young girl in Guinea-Bissau!! Helping others that don’t have the power or capabilities to help themselves can be educational as well as a rewarding experience! As I write this, I don’t know why, but the song “We are the World” keeps coming to mind. (haha) Till next time, I wish you and everyone around the world-Peace!

  02 01